Hello there guys
It's been absolutely to long since I did a blog
3 months in total
My life has been super al over the place the last three months
Big changes
So I didn't get around to blogging as much
So now I feel I'm ready to get rite back to it.
I love fashion and makeup etc
But I also what to start blogging about life and other areas apart from just fashion etc
So I hope ye will all continue liken my blogs rather then just been al about fashion and makeup
Life it's self can be up one moment and down the next
It wudnt be life if we didn't go true this at some stage
It's so easy to give your friends advice when they are feeling down and goin true things in there life's
You try guide them to do the right think
And be there for them and try to boost them up
But why when your the person feeling down do yu not listen to your own advice
Fact is when some one you no is down in the dumps or going true some thing
Your an outsider looking in
So yu can see the right way for them to move forward etc
Buy when your the person feeling down in the dumps it's actually harder to try move forward nd listen to what people are saying
I have now come to terms with what ever people are going true
There Is always away to move forward
Your the only person who can tell your self
Everyone deserves to be happy
No one should ever feel they aren't good enough for anyone or anything
It's so easy to fall into a negative zone then to be positive
But ask yourself this where does negativity get you
A simple smile to a stranger a simple hello
Simple things like this gives off good vibes
And who are we not to know that just a smile or a hello can make that person feel a little bit better in there life
It takes noting to be nice to be helpful
So maybe today after reading this you mite do one good deed
Belive me when I do a good deed it makes my day
I'm not a perfect person no one in this world is
But trying to be a nicer to one another takes absolutely noting
We get one life and one life only
Make it be the best life you can
Have a fantastic day
As always
Thanks for reading
Love melanie ♡